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Ancient History of Madhya Pradesh, Important for MPPSC, UPSC and other Competitive Examinations

What is history?

History is the study of past events. In history we study about human affairs: lifestyle, culture, religion, faith, socio-economic condition, means of transport and communication, housing, agriculture, food, cattle breeding, animal husbandry, arts, architecture, paintings, education, health services, etc. History can be divided into three periods:
1. Prehistory: In this period language was not developed that’s why written records of this period are not found. Stone age comes under prehistory period.
2. Proto history: In this period language was developed and written records of this period are found but language or script of this period could not be deciphered so far. E.g.   IVC
3. Historical period: For this period, we have written records. For example, from Vedic age to till now.

Ancient history of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh lies in the heart of the country. Madhya means Central and Pradesh means region. Madhya Pradesh region belongs to Gondwanaland. Gondwanaland is also known as Gondwana. What was Gondwanaland? Gondwanaland was the southern part of the super-continent called Pangea. You will be surprised knowing that the Pangea existed about 300 million years ago. You must be curious to know how the Gondwanaland got its name? Gondwanaland was named after a tribe named Gond. Gondwana means the land of the Gond tribe. In Madhya Pradesh even today, the Gond tribe live in the
state. Many other tribal groups also live in Madhya Pradesh. The continent of Gondwana was named by the Austrian scientist Eduard Suess. Gondwanaland incorporated present-day South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, India, Australia, and Antarctica.

Prehistoric Times

The history of Madhya Pradesh dates back to prehistoric times. If we want to study the history of Madhya Pradesh, then we have to study from prehistoric times. In present-day Madhya Pradesh, human intervention mainly started in the valleys of rivers like Narmada, Chambal and Betwa. Bhimbetka is the most significant prehistoric site in Madhya Pradesh. The earliest traces of human life have been found there. Bhimbetka is such a site where the earliest traces of human life have been found on Indian subcontinent, not only in Madhya Pradesh. Evidence have been found in Bhimbetka which show that human occupation had been there from prehistoric times to historical times.

The Paleolithic Times

As we know that in the Paleolithic age people were hunters and food gatherers. They moved from one place to another in search of food, hence they were called nomadic people. With the change of season, the availability of animals and plants at one place decreased, due to which they had to change places in search of food. They lived in small communities known as 'band society'. Less than hundred people lived in a band society. The people of that time used different types of stone tools for their different works. Core, flake and flint were the three different types of stone tools they used. Usually, quartzite or other hard rocks were used to make tools.
When a piece of stone is broken into pieces, the largest piece is called a core and the smallest pieces are called flakes. So, a core tool is made out of core and flake tools are made out of flakes. Some examples of flake tools are blades, borers and scrapers. The main paleolithic sites in MP are: the river valleys of Narmada, Chambal, Sonar, Parvati, Betwa, Hiran and Venganga.

The Mesolithic Times

The Mesolithic Age is called the transition period between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic period. Microliths started being used during this period. Microliths mean stone tools ranging from 1 cm to 5 cm in length. Microliths are actually smaller forms of tools used in the early Stone Age. The use of microliths suggests that people now hunted small animals and started fishing. Microliths were used as component parts of larger tools. Microliths were used to make arrowheads of arrows that aided in fishing. In addition to microliths, evidence of animal bones has been found, which suggests that people started rearing animals in this period. Evidence of horticulture and early farming has been found, which suggests that people now started staying at one place for a longer time. Hills of Adamgarh are famous for the prehistoric rock shelters and rock paintings. Artefacts of lower paleolithic and Neolithic periods have been excavated there. East Nimar, Shahdol, Mandsaur , Rewa, Sehore, Ujjain, Mandla, Chhatarpur, Chhindwara etc are also included as Mesolithic sites.

The Neolithic Age

The most important feature of the Neolithic period was agriculture and domestication of animals Wheat, barley, millet and rice were grown. People domesticated sheep, goats and cattle. Thus, began rural life and there was division of labor on the basis of sex. There was substantial agricultural production. People started participating in activities other than food production. Pottery making was an important craft of this period. This suggests that the wheel was in use. Earthen pots were used by people for cooking and storing food. Thus, there was remarkable progress in human civilization in the Neolithic Age, for this reason the phrase Neolithic Revolution is used. Main sites in M.P. are: Eran, Jabalpur, Damoh, Sagar etc.

The Chalcolithic Age

Chalcolithic age means Stone - Copper age. In this age people started using metal. The first metal to be used was copper. The main chalcolithic sites in Madhya Pradesh are: Valleys of Narmada, Chambal and Betwa; Jabalpur, Balaghat. Kayatha and Nagda were discovered by Dr Wakankar. Maheshwar and Nawadatoli weere discovered by Dr. Sankaliya. Evidence of chalcolithic culture has been found at Eran and at above mentioned sites discovered by the two doctors.

Additional information/important facts

  • The word 'Prehistory’ was first used by M. Tournal in 1833 A.D.
  • In India the Paleolithic Age developed in the Pleistocene period or the Ice Age.
  • Paleolithic Period:
  1. Lower paleolithic: 2.5 lac – 1 lac B. C.
  2. Middle paleolithic: 1 lac to 40 thousand B. C.
  3. Upper paleolithic: 40 thousand to 10 thousand B. C.• Mesolithic period: 10000 B. C. to 6000 B. C.
  • Neolithic period: 6000 B. C. to 4000 B. C.
  •  Chalcolithic period: 4000 to 1200 B. C.
  •  Vedic period: 1500 B. C. 600 B. C.
  •  Bhimbetka: it is located in the Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh state of India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  •  Eran: it is an ancient town and archaeological site in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh.
  •  Navadatoli: it is located in Maheshwar tehsil of West Nimar (Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh).
  •  Maheshwar: it is a town in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh.
  •  Kayatha: it is a village and archaeological site in the Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Nagda: it is a proposed district of Madhya Pradesh (to be carved out of Ujjain District).
  • Hiran: It is a river in Gujarat in western India. Its source is near the Sasa hills in Gir Forest. It is a tributary of Narmada River.
  •  IVC or Indus Valley Civilization: Spread from the year 2500 B. C. to 1750 B. C. according to radiocarbon dating.
  • Sonar: it is a river flowing in the Bundelkhand region in Damoh District.
  • East Nimar: the Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh.

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